Friday, December 30, 2011

Planning : Trip to LA
Thanks Giving was coming soon and we were thinking of options to spend the long weekend.
While on one side we had our CEO asking us if we shall go to Las Vegas, or Reno to the least, he is a busy guy.

One of my room mates friends and his friend where planing to fly all the way from different parts of U.S. (one from New York, another from Kansas) to meet and enjoy the weekend.
They had planned to spend a day in SFO and then take a car to Los Angeles.

We were invited to accompany them. There plan was pretty much fixed, go to Universal Studios on day one, and on the second day visit other places in LA.  Places including Beverly Hills, Hollywood Sign and most interesting Santa Monica Beach.  They had another place in there plan Automobile Show.  We were not sure if we would be interested in this last part.

So we had a plan of our own.  We stuck to there plan of Universal Studios Hollywood on day one and Disney Land as an option on day two.
Now we had a debate to rush through both Universal Studios and two parks of Disney in two days or enjoy Universal Studios one and half day and the rest go around LA.
We asked different people for suggestions and finally we decided to skip Disney and have a Front Of the Line Pass for Universal Studios. The second day was still unplanned.

Now we had a feeling that we were wasting a precious day of 4 day holiday.  But we were invited, and thankful for that.

The cost of the tickets rose from $77 to $140 per head but to utilize the most we could in the short span we had to make some hard choices.
Coming to food we thought we would decide there to take Unlimited Food at 5 restaurants for $24 or go on our own choice once we went there.  This was more important cos one of us was vegetarian, and, me and the other guy wouldn't eat Beef or Pork.

We thought we would start at around 11 PM Thursday, reach Friday morning around 6 AM, get fresh and then go to Universal Studios.  For the night long sleepless night we decided to sleep the greater part of day :). So we ate and slept and then woke up packed and got ready.

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